Floating Wooden Clouds

Learn how to DIY some easy-to-make, eye-catching Floating Wooden Clouds in this short yet informative article!

I’ve had these wooden clouds for months. My husband made them for me a while ago, but I never used them. Until now, finally!!! I am very slowly becoming more and more of a minimalist. I am attracted to very clean and simple design elements for my home, so I think this DIY about Floating Wooden Clouds fits.

Floating Wooden Clouds

What You Will Need

  • Plywood
  • Cloud outline (print from web or hand draw)
  • Pencil
  • Scroll saw
  • Sandpaper
  • Hot glue gun
  • Tacs


  1. First, trace your cloud onto the plywood.
  2. Then carefully cut out your clouds using the scroll saw (please be careful!).
  3. Once you have your clouds cut out, sand the sides until smooth and wipe clean.
  4. You can choose to paint your clouds some fun colors and patterns. I love the wood untouched and kept in its natural form.
  5. Take your hot glue gun and put a good glob at the back of each cloud in the center.
  6. Press the tac firmly into the hot glue until it has dried completely.
  7. Repeat with other wooden clouds. Now, find somewhere fun to display them!

I find the tacs are pretty reliable, and I’ve had no problems pushing them into the wall without them detaching from the wood. I had to think about where I wanted them and play around with arrangements before making any permanent holes in the wall. If you hang them up but hate how they look, don’t worry about the holes. I’ve done some research and found that white soap is supposed to do the trick – crazy, right?!

I love these wooden clouds! They are so whimsical and will add a playful touch to any room! I think the clean wood gives this DIY modern appeal so that it won’t look too child-like. I’ve seen a lot of cloud-themed pieces for nurseries, but I wanted something for our home without it looking out of place.

I hope you have a great weekend, friends! Don’t be a stranger; feel free to drop a line or two!

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