3 Homemade Squirrel Repellent Spray Recipes

Are you searching for non-toxic and cheap Homemade Squirrel Repellent Spray Recipes? Look no further and read this article till the end!

If you’re facing squirrel invasion, use these homemade deterrent sprays to keep them away from your property.

What Attracts Squirrels?

Squirrels are mostly attracted to food sources available on a property. They love to munch on nuts, fruits, veggies, insects, and food present in bird feeders, dog and cat bowls. Even the leftover food present in the garbage trash can is a source of an easy meal.

Homemade Squirrel Repellent Spray Recipes

Squirrels are adorable creatures, but they can cause havoc, both indoors and outdoors. Besides destroying vegetation, they can damage house structures by making nests, chewing insulation, wiring, and PVC pipes. If you’re facing such issues, check out these humane ways to keep them at bay for good.

DIY Cayenne Pepper Spray for Squirrels

Homemade Squirrel Repellent Spray Recipes2

Thanks to cayenne pepper’s sauce strong, pungent scent, squirrels will never think of entering your property for sure.


  • 1/4 Tsp of Dawn Dish Soap
  • 4-5 Tbsps of Cayenne Pepper Sauce
  • 2 Cups of Water
  • Large-Sized Mixing Bowl
  • An Empty Spray Bottle


  1. Add 1/4 tsp of dawn and 4-5 tbsps of cayenne pepper sauce with 2 cups of water into a mixing bowl and stir until they are combined properly.
  2. Transfer the prepared mixture to an empty spray bottle.
  3. Make sure to shake the bottle well before using it.
  4. Mist the prepared repellent solution liberally in the attic, around bird feeders, on the patio, and in other squirrel-wandering areas.
  5. Re-apply this solution every two or three days and after every heavy rainfall.

DIY ACV Squirrel Repellent SprayHomemade Squirrel Repellent Spray Recipes3

Does apple cider vinegar repel squirrels? Yes, it’s highly effective against pesky squirrels due to vinegar’s pungent scent.


  • 1 Cup of Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 1/2 Cup of Lukewarm Water
  • A Bowl
  • Spray Bottle
  • A Small Funnel


  1. Combine apple cider vinegar and lukewarm water in a bowl.
  2. Next, pour the solution into a clean, empty spray bottle.
  3. Close the bottle properly and shake it well.
  4. Now, spritz it around the bird feeders, patio, porch, walkway, doors, windows, and inside of your home.
  5. Respray regularly, especially after rainfall.


  • Instead of using a spray bottle, you can also soak cloths into the vinegar solution and place them in a key part of your house, such as the attic.
  • Before using the above hacks, test the sprays to ensure they don’t leave stains on indoor and outdoor surfaces.

All Natural Homemade Squirrel Repellent Spray Recipe

Packed with the pungent aromas of onion, jalapenos, and cayenne pepper, it’s one of the best homemade squirrel-repellent spray recipes.


  • 3 Cups of Water
  • 1 Onion (Chopped)
  • 2 Jalapenos (Chopped)
  • 1/2 Teaspoon of Cayenne Pepper
  • 24-ounce Spray Bottle
  • Pot
  • Strainer
  • Spoon or Spatula


  1. Add water, onion, jalapenos, and cayenne pepper in a pot.
  2. Boil these ingredients on medium heat for 3-5 minutes.
  3. When the liquid cools down, strain, and transfer it to the spray bottle. Your non-lethal squirrel deterrent spray is ready for application.
  4. Spritz the solution as per the requirement.

How to Prevent the Invasion of Squirrels?

Apart from keeping squirrels at bay, it’s also necessary to prevent their entrance in the first place.

  • Close all the potential entry points of your home to restrict their entrance.
  • Seal the attic vent with hardware cloth and secure it with a staple gun and screws.
  • Remove food and water sources such as bird feeders as they attract squirrels.
  • Cut the branches that are within six feet of your home.
  • Cover the top of your chimney with a good-quality steel chimney cap.
  • Install two-foot-wide and six-foot-tall metal sheeting around the trees’ trunks.
  • Put 1-inch mesh wire over newly planted bulbs and cover them with mulch.
  • Keep your outside trash can tightly closed, and don’t forget to empty them regularly.
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