11 Poisonous Mushrooms in Alabama

Protect your loved ones and pets from Poisonous Mushrooms in Alabama with this short yet informative guide!

Alabama is home to numerous mushroom species, and not all of them are edible; some are deadly, too. Read on to learn more about these poisonous mushrooms that are common in Alabama.

Poisonous Mushrooms in Alabama

1. Yellow Patches

Poisonous Mushrooms in Alabama 1

Botanical Name – Amanita flavoconia

Commonly found in the Midwest and eastern North America, this mushroom is highly poisonous to humans. It has a 2-4″ long and 1/4-5/8″ thick stipe and a warty yellowish orange cap.

2. Destroying Angel

Poisonous Mushrooms in Alabama 2

Botanical Name – Amanita bisporigera

Don’t be fooled by the pure white hue of this deadly mushroom. It might look edible, but it can cause severe health issues after 6-24 hours of consumption.

3. Deadly Webcap

Poisonous Mushrooms in Alabama 3

Botanical Name – Cortinarius rubellus

Next on the list of poisonous mushrooms in Alabama is the deadly cap. This mushroom contains harmful orellanine mycotoxin that attacks the kidneys and liver.

4. Deadly GalerinaPoisonous Mushrooms in Alabama 4

Botanical Name – Galerina marginata

Deadly galerina is a poisonous mushroom of the Hymenogastraceae family. This fungus has a tiny, dark brown to brownish-yellow sticky cap on a 2.5-10 cm long stipe.

5. Fool’s Funnel

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Botanical Name – Clitocybe rivulosa

This umbrella-shaped mushroom is quite toxic due to its muscarine toxin. It was first introduced by Christiaan Hendrik Persoon in the year 1801.

6. Green-Spored Parasol

Green-Spored Parasol

Botanical Name – Chlorophyllum molybdites

Green-spored parasol is the most common cause of mushroom poisoning in the United States. This breast-shaped mushroom is often mistaken for other edible species, such as true parasol mushrooms.

7. Jack-O’-Lantern Mushroom

Jack-O’-Lantern Mushroom

Botanical Name – Omphalotus illudens

Jack-O’-Lantern mushrooms are easily noticeable from a distance due to their bright orange fruiting bodies. They appear in clusters near trees and stumps from July through November.

8. Lawnmower’s Mushroom

Lawnmower's Mushroom

Botanical Name – Panaeolus foenisecii

This North American mushroom is not highly toxic but can cause gastrointestinal upset, hallucinations, and disorientation. It’s common in lawns and forests.

9. Common Earthball

Common Earthball

Botanical Name – Scleroderma citrinum

The common earthball mushroom looks identical to a bun or egg, but it’s highly poisonous. This fungus can cause gastrointestinal distress, rhinitis, unconsciousness, and lacrimation upon spore inhalation.

10. Sulphur Tuft

Sulphur Tuft

Botanical Name – Hypholoma fasciculare

Widely distributed in North America, this mushroom grows on decaying stumps and logs of conifers or hardwoods. Consuming this poisonous fungus can cause gastric distress.

11. Fly Agaric

Fly Agaric

Botanical Name – Amanita muscaria

This iconic toadstool can cause hallucinations, drowsiness, nausea, stomach pain, diarrhea, muscle spasms, and agitation. It creates fairy rings in mixed hardwood pine forests.

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