12 Trees That Look Like Birch

Are you looking for Trees That Look Like Birch to grow in your landscape? You are in for a treat! Here are the top picks!

If, for any reason, you don’t like to include birch trees in your backyard but still want their charm, check out these trees that look like birch. These birch alternatives are not only visually appealing but also bring diversity to your landscape.

Trees That Look Like Birch

Below are some species that closely resemble birch either due to similarly shaped foliage, growth pattern, or white and varicolored bark. Keep in mind that no tree can completely resemble birch or substitute it.

1. White PoplarTrees that Look Like Birch 1

Botanical Name – Populus alba

The white poplar tree is often mistaken for a birch due to its tall stature and white-colored bark. It can grow 60-100 feet tall with beautiful two-toned leaves and yellow blooms.

2. White GumTrees that Look Like Birch 2

Botanical Name – Eucalyptus alba

This species looks similar to a birch tree with its white bark and lance-shaped leaves. Its wood is used for boat construction and fuel purposes.

3. Common Alder

Trees that Look Like Birch 3

Botanical Name – Alnus glutinosa

Common elder has a multi-stemmed crown and brown bark like a birch tree. This tree is great for stabilizing soil and adding interest along river banks.

4. Quaking AspenTrees That Look Like Birch 4

Botanical Name – Populus tremuloides

Like birch, the quaking aspen features white bark, ovate leaves, and a tall stature. Its dark green 4-7.5 cm long foliage becomes yellow in the fall.

5. Lacebark PineTrees That Look Like Birch 5

Botanical Name – Pinus bungeana

Lacebark pine made this list because of its birch-like, chalky white bark and tall height. This specimen is frequently seen on the grounds of Buddhist temples.

6. Snow Gum

Trees That Look Like Birch 6

Botanical Name – Eucalyptus pauciflora subsp. pauciflora

Snow gum is not completely identical to birch but has some similar features like white bark and lance-shaped leaves. It also boasts white flowers in January, February, April, August, and October to December.

7. American Hop-Hornbeam

American Hop-Hornbeam

Botanical Name – Ostrya virginiana

This birch-like deciduous tree is a major food source for songbirds, wild turkeys, quail, and small mammals. It’s a drought-tolerant species and doesn’t have any disease or pest problems.

8. American Sycamore

American Sycamore

Botanical Name – Platanus occidentalis

The bark of American sycamore is reddish brown like the western red birch tree, hence the resemblance. This species is excellent as a privacy screen, a shade tree, or a street tree.

9. Lombardy Poplar

Lombardy Poplar

Botanical Name – Populus nigra ‘Italica’

Lombardy poplar is a fast-growing deciduous tree of Europe, northwestern Africa, and western Asia. It’s a sun-loving specimen and hardy to USDA zones 2a to 10b.

10. Ghost Gum

Ghost Gum

Botanical Name – Corymbia aparrerinja

The juvenile ovate leaves of ghost gum and smooth white bark give this tree a birch-like appearance. It can grow up to 50 feet tall in optimal conditions.

11. Black Poplar

Black Poplar

Botanical Name – Populus trichocarpa

Black poplar is a deciduous tree that can become 40 feet tall in 15 years. This tree has a narrow crown, gray-brown bark, and heart-shaped leaves like birch.

12. Paperbark Maple

Paperbark Maple

Botanical Name – Acer griseum

The paperbark maple shares similar features to birch, like cinnamon-brown peeling bark, yellow blooms, and brown stems. It’s a smaller maple that reaches a mere 20-30 feet in height.

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