50 Amazing Murphy’s Oil Soap Uses | Hacks With Murphy’s Oil Soap

A bottle of murphy’s oil soap is not just for wood cleaning but also has additional uses. Check out the various Murphy’s Oil Soap Uses below!

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From cleaning wooden cabinets and steel appliances to removing labels, there are numerous Murphy’s Oil Soap Uses that are listed below.

Here are some amazing rubbing alcohol uses

Murphy’s Oil Soap Uses

Below we have collected some unique murphy’s oil soap uses that make your routine activities quick and hassle-free.

1. Clean Wooden Carpeted Floors

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Wooden carpeted floors look beautiful and elegant until someone accidentally spills wine or a drink. However, you can counter this mess with the help of murphy’s oil soap. For this hack, mix 2 cups of warm water and 2 tsp of murphy’s oil soap into a spray bottle. Then, spritz it on the floor and mop it up.

2. For Untidy Wooden Cabinets

After regular cleaning, if wooden cabinets still have grease and spills. Don’t worry, murphy’s oil soap is a savior. It’s an excellent product that brings back the former glory of your old wooden cupboards. It’s one of the best murphy’s oil soap uses. Read this DIY to know the steps.

3. Clean Stainless Steel Appliances

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Stainless steel appliances become sloppy due to fingerprint smudges, kitchen spills, or chemical sprays. Make them stainless again by using murphy’s oil soap solution. Pour 1/2 cup of warm water with 1/2 tsp of murphy oil soap into an empty spray bottle. Next, spritz it on the desired surface & clean it with a sponge.

4. Organic Pesticide

Pests can ruin your beautiful garden vegetation. No need to waste your hard-earned money on store-bought organic pesticides. You can make it on your own easily with the miraculous murphy’s oil soap. Follow this step-by-step instructive article to make this homemade organic pesticide.

5. Cleaning Paint Brushes with Murphy’s Oil Soap

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Murphy’s oil soap is the perfect solution for dried paintbrushes that are hard to clean. Simply soak the hardened paintbrush into murphy’s oil soap but not above the metal ferrule. In two days, the paint will dissolve, and the bristles will soften. It’s one of the easiest murphy’s oil soap uses.

6. Murphy’s Oil Soap For Car Interior

Murphy’s oil soap can make your car shiny and saves bucks too. You can use it on the car’s interior dashboard, steering wheel, floor mats, and exterior body as well. All you have to do is transfer 1 tsp of murphy’s oil soap and 1 cup of lukewarm water into a spray bottle. Now, spritz it on the desired space, scrub it with a brush, and wipe it off with a cloth or sponge.

7. Cleans Grimy Wooden Banisters

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Over time, the wooden banisters lose their shine and original color. To pull years of dirt and grime off, you can opt for murphy’s oil soap without any second thoughts. For this, add 1/2 tsp of murphy’s oil soap with 1 cup of warm water into a spray bottle & shake it well. Spray it on the grimy wooden banisters and wipe it with a sponge.

8. For Sloppy Wheels and Hub Caps

Along with cleaning your car, murphy’s oil soap can be used to wash its sloppy wheels and hub caps. Pour 1/4 cup of murphy oil soap into a bucket of water and mix them well. Now scrub the wheels and hub caps with this solution using a sponge and wash with water.

9. Clothes Stain Remover

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Rainbow Laundry MPLS

Murphy’s oil soap is an excellent solution to remove stains from your clothes. Pour 2-3 drops of this unique product on the stained spot and leave it for 25-30 minutes. Once it’s done, wash it in the washing machine as usual. It’s one of the most amazing murphy’s oil soap uses.

10. Remove Smudges From Fabric Furniture

Not only does murphy’s oil soap eliminates stain from your clothes, but it also freshens your fabric furniture. Add 2 tbsp of murphy’s oil soap into a 32 fl oz spray bottle filled with warm water. Make sure to jiggle the solution properly. Spray it on the stained spot and scrub it with a soft-bristled brush. Next, wipe with a dampened sponge.

11. Permanent Marker Remover

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If you or someone accidentally used a permanent marker on a whiteboard, then try the versatile murphy’s oil soap to do the trick. Pour a couple of drops of it on the marker ink on the board and wipe it using a magic eraser.

12. Murphy’s Sink Cleaner

Give a facelift to your dingy kitchen sink using the extraordinary murphy’s oil soap. First, wash your sink and then pour 3-5 drops of murphy’s oil soap onto a clean, dry rag. Next, wipe the entire sink with the rag to see the magic.

13. DIY Homemade All-Purpose Cleaner

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Instead of using a store-bought all-purpose cleaner, make your own at home using murphy’s oil soap. Add 3 cups of lukewarm water, 1 tbsp of murphy’s oil soap, with 2 tbsp of baking soda into a bowl. Then, empty it into a spray bottle and jiggle it well. It’s one of the awesome murphy’s oil soap uses.

14. Cleaning Dried Up Paint Off Stencils

Stencils can get dirty due to the constant use of acrylic, paint, water, and oil. To clean the dried-up mess from your stencils, use murphy’s oil soap.  Combine 1 cup of water and 1 tsp of murphy’s oil soap in a bowl. Now, soak the stencils into it for half an hour or so. Next, scrub it using a brush and rinse it with water.

15. For Laminate Flooring

Murphy’s oil soap is an excellent cleaning agent for dirty laminate floors. Just add 1/2 cup of murphy’s oil soap into a bucket full of warm water and mix them well. Then, clean the floor using a mop. Make sure that you don’t leave any moisture on the flooring.

16. Carpet Stain Remover

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If you accidentally spill food, drink, or juice on the carpet, then murphy’s oil soap is the savior. Pour a few drops of murphy’s oil soap on the stained spot, and rub using a brush. Wait for an hour and then clean it with a damp sponge.

17. As a Furniture Polish

Instead of using commercial polish, bring out the natural shine of your old wooden furniture with murphy’s oil soap. Drop 1-2 drops of this product onto a small rag and apply it all over the surface. This homemade hack removes dirt as well.

18. Clean Hard Wood Floors

Murphy’s oil soap not only cleans your hardwood floors but makes them shiny as well. You can use this method regularly. Follow this step-by-step tutorial to restore their formal glory.

19. Sparkling Jewelry

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Make your jewelry new again by adding it to a solution of 1 cup of murphy’s oil soap with 4 cups of warm water. Let it sit for a minute, and then remove the dirt and grime from the jewelry with a soft-bristled brush. After that, clean it with water until the soap wears off. It’s one of the best murphy’s oil soap uses to try!

20. Garden Insect Repellent

Protect your beautiful garden from little pesky insects by using murphy’s oil soap. Make a combination of 1 cup of each rubbing alcohol and water, 1 tbsp of murphy’s oil soap with 3 tsp of lemon juice into a spray bottle. Make sure to shake it well and spray all over your plants to repel the insects.

21. Garbage Can Cleaner

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Catherine Meschia

Murphy’s oil soap is an excellent product for cleaning the garbage bin regularly. For this, combine 1 tsp of murphy’s oil soap with 1 cup of warm water in a spray bottle. Next, spray the solution into the garbage can. Scrub with a brush and leave for half an hour and rinse it with water.

22. Polish Horse Tack

Enhance the shine of your horse’s tack with the help of murphy’s oil soap. Pour 1/2 cup of slightly warm water with 1/2 tsp of murphy’s oil soap into a spray bottle. Spritz on the desired area and wipe with a dry rag to bring back the shine.

23. Swiffer Wet Jet Refill

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No need to buy expensive Swiffer wet jet refills. Make your endless supply using murphy’s oil soap. This product is perfect for your Swiffer wet jet because it works excellently for wood, tile, and other floorings. Simply dilute 1 tsp of murphy’s oil soap with 1 cup of warm water into a refill container for easy use.

24. Amplify Magic Eraser Power

Magic eraser is the ultimate solution to clean up any dirt and stains. But sometimes this tool loses its charm against certain mess. With the help of murphy’s oil soap, you can amplify the magic eraser’s power to a new level. For this, create a solution of 1/2 cup of lukewarm water and 1/4 tbsp of murphy’s oil soap into a spray bottle and spray it on the magic eraser.

25. Potter’s Wheel Lubricant

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Only a potter knows how much a lubricant is crucial to keep the potter’s wheel running in its normal functioning. So, try the cost-effective murphy’s oil soap to stop the squeaking sound and keep the wheel running smoothly. Just pour a few drops from where the noise is coming in, and you are good to go. It’s one of the peculiar murphy’s oil soap uses.

26. Sparkling Chrome Fixtures

Restore the shine of your dull-looking chrome fixtures using the all-natural murphy’s oil soap. Do this cumbersome task easily by making a solution of 1/4 tbsp of murphy’s oil soap with 1/2 cup of lukewarm water in a bowl. Mix them well and transfer the mix into a spray bottle. Spritz on the chrome fixtures and scrub with a soft-bristled brush. Then, wipe with a damp sponge or rag.

27. Clean Painted Walls

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If you’re worried about cleaning crayon or pencil stains from the wall without damaging the paint, try murphy’s oil soap. Mix 1/2 cup of lukewarm water & 1/2 tsp of murphy’s oil soap into an empty spray bottle. Spray it on the stained, painted wall and rub it gently with a sponge. This should remove the stains in no time.

28. Leather Cleaner

If you own some leather apparel, you probably already know that chemical cleaning solutions can harm it. However, murphy’s oil soap is considered as the safest cleaning option for leather products. Check out this article to know the full information on cleaning leather.

29. For Untidy Bathroom

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Murphy’s oil soap is an excellent choice for dirty bathroom surfaces. Simply mix 1 cup of lukewarm water with 1/4 tbsp of murphy’s oil soap into an empty spray bottle. Next, spritz it on the bathroom walls, floors, and shower. Scrub with a brush gently for a couple of seconds and rinse it with plenty of water.

30. Stops Cracks on Floors

If you notice cracks in your laminated floors, use murphy’s oil soap to stop further damage.  Whenever you mop the laminated floor, pour a few drops of murphy’s oil soap in between the cracks. This hack prevents the floor from cracking. It’s one of the quirky murphy’s oil soap uses.

31. Glass Stovetop Cleaner

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Murphy’s oil soap not only removes grease from your glass stovetop but makes it shiny as well. Combine 2 cups of lukewarm water with 1 tbsp of murphy’s oil soap in a spray bottle. And spritz it on the greasy stovetop. Wait 5-10 minutes before scrubbing with a clean, dry rag.

32. For Plastic Surfaces

To clean any stained plastic surfaces, murphy’s oil soap is excellent for you. Simply pour a few drops of murphy’s oil soap onto a dry rag and wipe plastic surfaces such as standing fans or AC units.

33. Polishes Metal

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Another great way to use murphy’s oil soap is to polish any kind of metal around your home. Dab a small amount of murphy oil soap onto a damp microfiber cloth. Next, wipe the desired metal into a circular motion for a few seconds.

34. Insect Deterrent

Murphy oil soap not only repels insects from the garden, but it also keeps them far away from your house. For this, add 1/2 cup of warm water, 1/4 cup of rubbing alcohol, 1 tbsp of each household cooking oil, and murphy oil soap with lemon juice into a spray bottle. Shake it well and spray it directly on the insects and around the common entrance points.

35. Clean & Shine Face Basin

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Get your dingy-looking face basin an uplift by cleaning it with murphy’s oil soap. All you need to do is drop a couple of murphy’s oil soap onto a damp rag or sponge. Next, wipe the face basin with the sponge for a clean and shiny look. It’s one of the awesome murphy’s oil soap uses.

36. For Kitchen Counters

Make your kitchen counter grease and grime-free with murphy’s oil soap. Pour 1/2 cup of warm water with 1/2 tsp of murphy oil soap into an empty spray bottle and jiggle it well. Then, spray it on the kitchen counter and wipe it with a microfiber cloth.

37. Homemade Cleaning Wipes

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Create a homemade cleaning wipe with the help of murphy oil soap. Mix 1 cup of white vinegar, 1 tbsp of baking soda, 2 tbsp of murphy oil soap, and 2 cups of warm water into a bowl. Now, soak some disposable water wipes for an hour. Store them in an airtight container.

38. For Ceramic Tiles

Make a solution of 1 tsp of murphy’s oil soap, 1/2 tsp of baking soda, & 1 cup of water into a bowl. Then, spread it on the sloppy ceramic tiles. Let it sit for 5-10 minutes and then clean it with a wet mop. Repeat the mopping if required.

39. Cleaning Garden Tools

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It’s vital to clean your garden tools before you store them to prolong their life. You can do this cumbersome task easily by trying this helpful DIY. It’s one of the great murphy’s oil soap uses.

40. DIY Soft Scrub Cleanser

This hack uses murphy’s oil soap to prepare a soft scrub cleaner to remove soap scum, limescale, grease, grime, and food stains. Combine 1 cup of baking soda with 2 cups of murphy’s oil soap into a container and use it as you desire.

41. Silences Squeaky Hinges

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If the squeaking sound of your windows or door hinges irritates you, give murphy’s oil soap a try. Pour a couple of drops of this miraculous product on the hinges. Leave it for 5-10 minutes and see the magic.

42. Cleans Entrance Doors

This remedy uses murphy’s oil soap to make an old-looking entrance door new again. Pour 1 cup of warm water with 1 tsp of murphy’s oil soap into an empty spray bottle and jiggle it well. Now, spritz it all over the sloppy doors and windows and wipe it off with a dry cloth.

43. Remove Labels

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Removing labels is a cumbersome task because of their sticky residues. No worries, the only thing you need is murphy’s oil soap, it’ll do the trick. Pour a few drops of this fantastic product on the label and rub it continuously. The stickers should come out quickly. It’s one of the best murphy’s oil soap uses.

44. Cleaning Horse Brushes

Horse brushes can get dirty fast, so it’s necessary to clean them often. With the help of murphy’s oil soap, you can do it within a few minutes. Add 2 tbsp of murphy’s oil soap into a bucket filled with lukewarm water. Then, submerge the brushes into the mixture and clean it using your fingers. Next, rinse it with water & dry as usual.

45. Shoe Cleaner

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Restore the sheen of your dirty shoes using murphy’s oil soap. Take a bucket filled with lukewarm water and combine 1-2 tbsp of murphy’s oil soap. Then, clean your leather, canvas, or rubber sole shoes with this solution using a brush.

46. For Handbags

Murphy’s oil soap can get the original elegance back of old handbags. All you need to do is try out this simple DIY to make your handbag new and shiny again. It’s one of the outstanding murphy’s oil soap uses.

47. Wash Window Blinds

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Over time, window blinds look dull and dirty. The quickest way to clean window blinds is to mix 1 cup of warm water with 2 tsp of murphy’s oil soap into a spray bottle. Spray this solution on the blinds and wipe with a dry cloth.

48. Clean Comb & Hairbrushes

This remedy uses murphy’s oil soap to eliminate the buildup of makeup residuals, lint, and hair from combs and hairbrushes. Mix 1/2 tsp of this soap and 1/2 cup of warm water into a bowl. Then, soak the comb and hairbrushes into it for half an hour. After that, scrub it with a brush and wash it with water.

49. For Black-Powder Weapons

With the help of murphy’s oil soap, it’s easy to clean your precious muzzle-loaders and black powder suppository guns. Mix 1/3 cup of each murphy’s oil soap, water, and rubbing alcohol into a bowl. Now, clean them with this solution.

50. Remove Pen Stains

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If you are looking to remove ink or pen stains from your wooden furniture, then you must give a shot to murphy’s oil soap. Try out this detailed step-by-step tutorial to rid of the stains. It’s one of the amazing murphy’s oil soap uses.

Word of Caution

Many websites advise using murphy’s oil soap for pet bathing. But if your pet has any skin-related issues, then don’t use this product, as it can make the condition worsen.

Murphy’s oil soap is a magical product with multiple uses throughout your house. If you think you know some other murphy’s oil soap uses, then feel free to share your suggestions by commenting below.

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  1. I love love love Murphy Oil Soap especially for cleaning my paint brushes. But did you know it also can be used for taking paint out of your clothing!


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