20 White Flowers with Yellow Center

Grow these eye-catching White Flowers With Yellow Center and fill your living space with a pop of colors!

With their striking color combo, these captivating White Flowers with Yellow Center are a great addition to gardens and pots.

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White Flowers with Yellow Center

1. English Daisy

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Botanical Name – Bellis perennis

Native to Europe, Northern Africa, and Western Asia, the English daisy is a herbaceous perennial. It boasts showy white flowers with a yellow center. This plant prefers cool temperatures and moist, fertile soil.

2. Oxeye Daisy

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Botanical Name – Leucanthemum vulgare

Admired for its pleasant white blooms, the oxeye daisy prefers a well-drained potting mix and full sun. It’s also known as Marguerite and ox-eye daisy.

3. Living Stone

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Botanical Name – Lithops spp.

Popular as living stones and pebble plants, lithops is a fuss-free succulent featuring daisy-like white flowers. This succulent also offers striking yellow and pale-orange blossoms.

4. Donald Wyman’ Crabapple

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Botanical Name – Malus ‘Donald Wyman’

This crabapple variety is primarily grown for its edible fruits and gorgeous white flowers accentuated with yellow centers. It can reach up to a height of 15-20 feet at maturity.

5. Wood Lily

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Botanical Name – Trillium grandiflorum

Wood lily is an ornamental plant with three-petaled white flowers and yellow stamens. It offers heart-shaped foliage in a whorl of three.

6. Cup Flower

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Botanical Name – Nierembergia scoparia ‘Mont Blanc’

Blooms from early summer to fall, this stunning plant offers white cup-shaped flowers with lemon-yellow centers. It’s drought-tolerant and admires organic, well-drained potting soil.

7. Pua Kala

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Botanical Name – Argemone glauca

Ingenious to Hawaii, Pua Kala is known for its dainty blossoms with five petals and a bright yellow center. It blooms beautifully all year and is often used in Hawaiian leis.

8. Nanu

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Botanical Name – Gardenia brighamii

The Hawaiian Gardenia, part of the Coffee family, is a robust plant that can reach up to 15 feet in height. This endangered endemic species produces fragrant white flowers and dark green glossy foliage.

9. Marestail


Botanical Name – Erigeron canadensis

Marestail, or horseweed, this plant is a winter annual that belongs to the aster family. It’s adorned with a rosette of hairy foliage and tiny white flowers with yellow disks.

10. Mayweed


Botanical Name – Anthemis cotula

Mayweed is an annual flowering plant with an unpleasant odor. It showcases white blooms with a yellow middle section. The captivating blossoms of mayweed look similar to daisies.

11. Daisy Fleabane

Daisy Fleabane

Botanical Name – Erigeron annuus

Loved by gardeners and plant enthusiasts, the daisy fleabane with white flowers and yellow central disks is a sight to behold. Its lanceolate-shaped foliage is hairy and coarsely toothed.

12. White-Fleshed Pitaya

White-Fleshed Pitaya

Botanical Name – Selenicereus undatus

Cultivated commercially for fleshy bright pink fruits, the white-fleshed pitaya bears striking white blooms with yellow centers. This cactus is native from Mexico to Honduras.

13. Argentine Giant

Argentine Giant

Botanical Name – Echinopsis candicans

The large nocturnal white blooms make this gorgeous cactus a must-have for every succulent enthusiast. It’s one of the best white flowers with yellow centers.

14. Baby Toes

Baby Toes

Botanical Name – Fenestraria rhopalophylla

This evergreen, drought-tolerant succulent produces daisy-like white flowers. Avoid overwatering this beautiful specimen at all costs.

15. Purity Cosmos

Purity Cosmos

Botanical Name – Cosmos Bipinnatus ‘Purity’

This plant features lush, fern-like foliage that creates a stunning backdrop for its vibrant, saucer-shaped white blossoms. It grows best in moist but well-drained soil and full sun.

16. Shasta Daisy

Shasta Daisy

Botanical Name – Leucanthemum × superbum

Amp up the look and feel of your outdoor garden by growing this captivating shasta daisy. It’s a prolific bloomer, great for perennial borders and cottage gardens.

17. Trumpet Daffodil

Trumpet Daffodil

Botanical Name – Narcissus ‘Mount Hood’

Trumpet daffodil bears slightly fragrant blooms with white petals around a yellow center. It prefers a well-drained potting mix and full sun or partial shade.

18. Star of Bethlehem

Star of Bethlehem

Botanical Name – Ornithogalum umbellatum

Star of Bethlehem is a perennial bulbous flowering plant known for its star-shaped white flowers. It can tolerate summer drought.

19. Phalaenopsis Orchids

Phalaenopsis Orchids

Botanical Name – Phalaenopsis spp

Brighten up your home decor by introducing this exotic orchid variety boasting chic blooms with white petals and yellow core.

20. Diva Frangipani

Diva Frangipani
shutterstock/Papichaya Rattanamanee

Botanical Name – Plumeria rubra ‘Diva’

The thick white-hued petals and foliage make this plant a must-have for every plant enthusiast. It will surely captivate your hearts with its enchanting blooms.

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