What Kills Maggots Instantly | How to Get Rid of Maggots

What Kills Maggots Instantly? How to Get Rid of Maggots? Head on to this informative guide to clear all your doubts!

Are you fighting a relentless battle against a maggot invasion? Discover the ultimate solution in this guide on “What Kills Maggots Instantly” and reclaim your home from these wriggling nuisances.

Learn Does Bleach Kill Maggots

What Are Maggots?

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Famous for eating decomposing flesh, maggots are a common term for fly larvae. Their appearance ranges from off-white to a light brown hue. However, some can be yellow or reddish as well. Fly maggots can eat continuously for 4-5 days. They usually get lured toward spoiled or fresh meat, dead animal corpses, and decomposing fruits and veggies. Maggots play a vital role in the environment, but they also cause myiasis in humans and animals.

Where are Maggots Found?

Fly larvae are small repulsive slimy creatures that can flourish anywhere where they get enough supply of spoiled food, organic material, and meat. They are commonly seen indoors, in the garden, and on pets’ wounds.


Maggots are mostly seen in the kitchen, as it’s a perfect place to thrive due to the availability of food sources. Furthermore, untidy trash cans are also an excellent habitat for these pesky creatures.

In Garden

Some types of fly larvae are a severe threat to the well-being of plants. You can locate them commonly around the roots of corn, onions, turnips, carrots, cabbage, and even fruit trees. You can use beneficial nematodes or predatory beetles to eliminate this issue.

In Pets

Maggots not only infest homes and gardens but affects pets as well. This condition is called ‘Myiasis.’ Dogs, and cats with oozing wounds and severe skin-related issues are signs of fly maggots infestation. Consulting a vet is highly recommended in such a case.

What Kills Maggots Instantly?

Maggots are generally seen in summer in trash cans, wheelie bins, and gardens because flies reproduce rapidly this season. As they are harmful to humans and animals, eliminate their existence using these remedies.

1. Hot WaterHot Water

This is the most effective and cheapest remedy to eliminate maggots instantly. Fill a cooking pot with water and put it on the stove. When the water is simmering, empty it on the maggots using tongs. Next, remove the dead maggots and clean the area with a soapy solution or vinegar.

2. Bleach

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Another excellent product that kills fly larvae easily and quickly is bleach. All you need is a bowl with equal amounts of Clorox bleach and hot water for this hack. It eradicates maggots by dissolving their soft body. Head on to this article for details.

3. Diatomaceous EarthUse Diatomaceous Earth

If you are unsure about Will Diatomaceous Earth Kill Maggots, the answer is Yes. Diatomaceous earth (DE) is an abrasive powdery substance. It kills scorpions, grubworms, and bed bugs, including maggots.

Sprinkle a generous amount of diatomaceous earth onto the fly larvae and wait until they die. Then, dispose of their corpses and rinse the space using bleach or liquid dish soap. As DE is an abrasive, it kills maggots by cutting their soft bodies on contact.

4. Hydrogen PeroxideWhat Kills Maggots Instantly3

Does Peroxide Kill Maggots? Yes, hydrogen peroxide is a lifesaver when you want to get rid of maggots and their eggs instantly. Begin the hack by pouring two cups of 3% hydrogen peroxide and a cup of tepid water into a container. Next, empty the mix all over the fly larvae. Once they all die, discard their dead bodies.

5. Beneficial NematodesBeneficial Nematodes

If maggots are causing havoc in your garden, use beneficial nematodes. These are nanoscopic roundworms that kill fly larvae by releasing bacteria into their body. This method doesn’t kill fly larvae instantly, but it’s safe to use around plants, soil, pets, children, and pollinators. To use this organic maggot killer, read the product instructions carefully. You’ll see the difference within 3-4 days.

6. Predatory Beetles

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Predatory beetles are the go-to solution to tackle maggots infestation in a garden. Simply introduce these predators around your vegetation to eliminate larvae and their eggs. However, they can bite, so handle them correctly.

7. Boric AcidBoric Acid

Boric acid is an excellent product against fly larvae thanks to its potent insecticidal properties. This remedy is best to use on maggots-infested carpets. For this approach, sprinkle enough boric acid over the carpet and sweep it with a brush. Wait for 10-15 minutes, and then vacuum the rug thoroughly. This method works because of the sharp edges of boric acid that cuts maggots’ bodies on contact.

8. Salt

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Salt is an excellent and the most feasible maggot killer because it’s a natural dehydrator. When maggots get into contact with salt, their body gets dehydrated. Just sprinkle a good amount of salt on the maggots and put a pause on your worries.

9. White Vinegar

The aptest answer to the question of how to kill maggots instantly is white vinegar. Fly larvae can’t stand the acetic acid in vinegar and die out shortly after contact. Mix one part of vinegar with two parts of water and spray this mix on the maggots. Once they are dead, wash out the corpses and sprinkle baking soda to ward off the smell.

10. Rubbing Alcohol

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Rubbing alcohol kills fly larvae by dissolving their bodies, as the pests can’t survive against the strong acids. Mix water and rubbing alcohol in a ratio of 3:1 and spritz it along the sides of drains, sink holes, garbage bins, and every area infested by the critters. Repeat this hack if needed.

How to Prevent Maggots and Flies?

Check out the below tips to prevent maggots and fly infestation in the first place:

  • Keep your food and supplies in airtight sealed containers.
  • Wipe the spilled food immediately.
  • Seal the compost bins and keep all your trash cans clean.
  • Discard your pet’s poop and other animal feces from the yard quickly.
  • Clean your pet’s food bowl daily and cover it when not used.
  • Install sticky fly strips to catch and trap flies near garbage bins and wherever they tend to accumulate.
  • Set up screens on all your windows and doors.

What Kills Maggots Instantly: Safety Precautions

Before applying any maggot-killer remedy, read the precautions discussed below.

  • Always wear gloves, safety goggles, masks, and full-sleeved clothing while doing any of these hacks.
  • Teach your kids, elderly, and pets not to go near the maggots-treated spots.
  • If you have any kind of health issues, avoid the above hacks.
  • These home remedies are great for mild to moderate infestation.

When to Contact a Professional?

Contacting a pest control export is highly recommended in the following situations:

  • If you’re facing a large-scale maggots infestation.
  • When none of the home remedies are effective against maggots.
  • If maggots are in hard-to-reach places, like inside walls or crawl spaces.
  • After successfully eliminating maggots, if they return, it’s advisable to hire a professional.

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